Rational PATH LLC

Hi, I'm Jonna Buse, owner of Rational Path LLC. I'm a user experience consultant and product designer working in Des Moines, IA.

About Me


Discovery & Research

Discovery and research are essential project foundations. I take the time to understand your projects' customer needs, business goals, and the problems you are addressing. I collaborate with your team to help provide alignment and clear vision.

Information Architecture

Too often the definition phase of projects are skipped over in deference to jumping straight to design, leaving gaps for developers to deal with down the road. My expertise in this area will make your project better for your entire team.

Design & Development

Once a solid foundation has been created, I can lead or assist design teams in many different areas including interaction design, prototype development, design system maintenance, usability testing, and basic development support.

View My Capabilities


I have experience with a wide variety of project types, ranging from websites to web applications to embedded devices and mobile.

View My Work
Need UX Support?

I would love to hear about your project and work with you to create an implementation plan. Please reach out!

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