
No two problems or projects are alike, and the same goes for my clients. While the UX profession does have repeatable processes and tools, it’s essential to make sure that the right ones are applied to each situation.

When starting a new project, we will work together to find the right balance of discovery, research, definition, and design to ensure that the project is neither over or under-engineered and that budget and time considerations are respected and accounted for.

Here are the main areas of expertise that I can bring to your project:

01 - Discovery

Discovery is about understanding project goals, the context of the project, why the project exists, and what problems the project attempts to solve. Discovery also starts the process of team alignment.

Activities and Deliverables
02 - Research

The foundation of any project, research is essential to gain confidence in the "what" and "why" both in the early stages and throughout the project's lifetime.

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03 - Information Architecture

Information architecture, which involves further defining a project based on research, is a crucial step often overlooked. This phase involves organizing potential content and features from a user-centric perspective and also starts to shape how the product will be created during the design and development phases.

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04 - Design

The design phase is where a product starts to come to life, based on all of the discovery, research, and architecture analysis that have been done up to this point. It incorporates best practices and sound design principles into concepts that can then be validated with customers.

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05 - Validation

Validation is all about learning from customers and is a continuation from the research phase of the project. Validation can be fast and inexpensive and has the potential to save money during the development phase by correcting design or content issues early.

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06 - Development

The development phase is the culmination of all of a project's research, architecture, and design work. I collaborate with and assist development team members by providing design artifacts that match environment needs, or I can create a custom website for your business. I have also supplemented development work on established products.

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