Usability Testing


Conducting, often iteratively, task-based tests using concepts and prototypes to measure metrics such as task completion, satisfaction, time on task, errors, and confidence. Usability testing is an invaluable tool to find issues early before additional time and money is spent during the development phase building something with discoverable issues.


This example is a sample page for a usability test report, which could include items such as % task completion, the statistical significance of that result, user comments, a video clip of the user executing a task, and other insights/recommendations.

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This example is a sample page for a usability test report, which could include items such as % task completion, the statistical significance of that result, user comments, a video clip of the user executing a task, and other insights/recommendations.
This example is a sample page for a usability test report, which could include items such as % task completion, the statistical significance of that result, user comments, a video clip of the user executing a task, and other insights/recommendations.


This image is from a validation event that I helped organize for the John Deere next-gen self-propelled sprayers operator station project. This is the station that I facilitated, where I had customers answer questions about the statuses they were seeing on a prototype, and match status images to a sprayer's position and activity on the field (using a mini sprayer toy and field printout). For various other stations during the event, I had the facilitators collect metrics using protocols such as SUM and SUS.

Usability Testing

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