
Information Architecture

Sketching out, either via paper/whiteboard or with design tools such as Sketch or Axure, the basic layouts and anticipated content for the product. Wireframes should always be based on sound research and information architecture activities.


This example is from a set of wireframes (done in Axure) for the Renewable Energy Group website redesign. The wireframes were based on the project research conducted, as well as the roadmap scope and the project sitemap. The wireframes were interactive and included a component library that matched the anticipated content structures needed from the sitemap.

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This example is from a set of wireframes (done in Axure) for the Renewable Energy Group website redesign. The wireframes were based on the project research conducted, as well as the roadmap scope and the project sitemap. The wireframes were interactive and included a component library that matched the anticipated content structures needed from the sitemap.
This example is from a set of wireframes (done in Axure) for the Renewable Energy Group website redesign. The wireframes were based on the project research conducted, as well as the roadmap scope and the project sitemap. The wireframes were interactive and included a component library that matched the anticipated content structures needed from the sitemap.


This example is from a set of wireframes I created for a temporary political caucus website for Drake University. The wireframes were also based upon a sitemap and prior discovery activities.


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