Concept Testing


Quick tests (e.g. 5 Second, Tree, Click, Preference) to get gut-check feedback on whether something is intuitive to use and understand. These are meant to provide an inexpensive option for validation when it's not feasible to achieve a more in-depth analysis.


This example is from a report for concept testing I conducted for the redesign of the Gateway Market website (working with Happy Medium). The concept testing was done digitally via a tool called Usability Hub and resulted in more confident direction and/or some minor adjustments to the preliminary design concepts.

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This example is from a report for concept testing I conducted for the redesign of the Gateway Market website (working with Happy Medium). The concept testing was done digitally via a tool called Usability Hub and resulted in more confident direction and/or some minor adjustments to the preliminary design concepts.
This example is from a report for concept testing I conducted for the redesign of the Gateway Market website (working with Happy Medium). The concept testing was done digitally via a tool called Usability Hub and resulted in more confident direction and/or some minor adjustments to the preliminary design concepts.


Concept Testing

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