Interaction Design


In a more simple and narrow definition, interaction design is the creation of the experience in which users interact with products. Interaction design includes design concepts, often in the form of a prototype or a series of mock-ups, that incorporate user data, research, and team member input to enable engaging, easy, and relevant experiences for users to achieve their goals. Interaction design considers content, components, behavior, space, time, animations, visual design, etc.


This example (blurred for privacy) is an interaction specification for one of the features that I designed for Vertex, a platform and engine that enables collaboration and remote sharing of complex, data-intensive 3D models. I often paired interaction specifications with an interactive prototype to help PMs, SMEs, development teams, and other stakeholders visualize the feature design so we could iterate on it before development started.

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This example (blurred for privacy) is an interaction specification for one of the features that I designed for Vertex, a platform and engine that enables collaboration and remote sharing of complex, data-intensive 3D models. I often paired interaction specifications with an interactive prototype to help PMs, SMEs, development teams, and other stakeholders visualize the feature design so we could iterate on it before development started.
This example (blurred for privacy) is an interaction specification for one of the features that I designed for Vertex, a platform and engine that enables collaboration and remote sharing of complex, data-intensive 3D models. I often paired interaction specifications with an interactive prototype to help PMs, SMEs, development teams, and other stakeholders visualize the feature design so we could iterate on it before development started.


Interaction Design

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Interaction Design