Customer Interviews


Gain insight into customer tasks, goals, challenges, and pain points by interviewing them regarding their existing experiences. I create interview scripts for customer interviews that include key objectives, overall high-level topic groups, timing guidance, and questions along with relevant probing questions to help dig deeper into certain areas. I also create a summary report following the interviews containing key insights learned and recommendations for the project.


This example is the opening page from a full customer interview I did for the Salmonella 360 project. This particular interview guide included a Top Task analysis to discover what content was most important to customers.

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This example is the opening page from a full customer interview I did for the Salmonella 360 project. This particular interview guide included a Top Task analysis to discover what content was most important to customers.
This example is the opening page from a full customer interview I did for the Salmonella 360 project. This particular interview guide included a Top Task analysis to discover what content was most important to customers.


Customer Interviews

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Customer Interviews