User Story Mapping


Typically created as part of an agile software development process, these maps list out the various product features as a customer would use them, prioritized by release. User story mapping helps keep software releases user-centric by providing a story and visual representation about what a user will be able to do with the product after a specific release.


This example is the digital output of an in-person story mapping session for Vetrax. Along an entire wall, I created (with team input) the backbone of the project by listing out all major user activities and tasks in the system, organized in order of a typical user scenario. Using this process, the client and investor were able to fill in gaps around what they were expecting the app to do in the foreseeable future. Next, I had the team fill in additional details (user stories) under the activities that the team agreed were most important. Finally, we worked together to determine which stories were achievable in the first sprint, second sprint, and so on.

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This example is the digital output of an in-person story mapping session for Vetrax. Along an entire wall, I created (with team input) the backbone of the project by listing out all major user activities and tasks in the system, organized in order of a typical user scenario. Using this process, the client and investor were able to fill in gaps around what they were expecting the app to do in the foreseeable future. Next, I had the team fill in additional details (user stories) under the activities that the team agreed were most important. Finally, we worked together to determine which stories were achievable in the first sprint, second sprint, and so on.
This example is the digital output of an in-person story mapping session for Vetrax. Along an entire wall, I created (with team input) the backbone of the project by listing out all major user activities and tasks in the system, organized in order of a typical user scenario. Using this process, the client and investor were able to fill in gaps around what they were expecting the app to do in the foreseeable future. Next, I had the team fill in additional details (user stories) under the activities that the team agreed were most important. Finally, we worked together to determine which stories were achievable in the first sprint, second sprint, and so on.


This example is similar to the first, though, for this project, the entire story mapping was done digitally due to a distributed team.

User Story Mapping

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User Story Mapping