Elanco Salmonella 360 - Website

Content Mapping
Customer Interviews
Roadmap Workshop
Top Task Analysis
Content Audit and Inventory
Product Image


Salmonella 360 (salmonella360.com) is an Elanco poultry-owned website that was initially only utilized in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and parts of South America. Visitors to the website can learn about how the poultry industry can reduce the risk of spreading Salmonella to the food chain. The site also talks about the Salmonella infection. Users learn about a holistic approach to reducing Salmonella in their poultry operations. Elanco’s U.S. poultry group was tasked with bringing a similar site to U.S. customers.

Salmonella 360 Global Website
Salmonella 360 Global Website

Problem Statement

Elanco’s U.S. poultry group partnered with the Sandbox Agency to provide strategic direction and design for the U.S. version of the site. Elanco wanted the target audience to engage and interact with the website to seek more information about Salmonella. The site was meant to educational and also help establish Elanco as a leader in reducing the risk/spread of Salmonella in the food chain.


DiscoveryI had a generous discovery timeline allocated to this project which allowed me to conduct both customer interviews and a customer survey to gain insights into what people were currently using to find information about Salmonella and what they were looking for but couldn’t find. As part of the customer interviews, I asked participants about their career background, biggest job challenges, and current resource usage. I also had them perform a first click test on the current global site and discussed brand perceptions as well.

Customer Interview Guide – Key Study Objectives
Customer Interview Guide – Key Study Objectives

The customer survey was deployed through WATT Global Media and received over 50 responses. Part of the survey contained a top task question to determine what types of information people were most interested in having on a new site. For all survey results, I analyzed the information and presented an insights report to the client.  Below is a sample page from the report:

Top Task Analysis from Customer Survey Results
Top Task Analysis from Customer Survey Results

Definition Step 1 After the client and Sandbox team was aligned on and understood the interview and survey insights, I conducted an in-person roadmap workshop that involved three team members from Elanco and three team members from Sandbox. Collaboratively, we walked through the workshop process, first discussing the target audiences, business goals and user needs using a vision board, and then the features and content that could support them. Next, we started to group those items using affinity diagramming to discover the overall themes. After prioritizing the items using a bang-vs-buck chart, we laid the items out into the final roadmap framework and sliced out what we wanted to accomplish in the first release and what should come in a future release.

Product Roadmap Workshop – Vision Board
Product Roadmap Workshop – Vision Board

Product Roadmap Workshop – Affinity Diagramming
Product Roadmap Workshop – Affinity Diagramming

After the workshop, I collected all of the workshop information and put it into a single page roadmap format to present as the final output to the client.

Salmonella 360 Roadmap
Salmonella 360 Roadmap

Definition Step 2After the client approved the roadmap, I put together the information architecture and some preliminary wireframes based on the features and content agreed upon for the first release. As part of the IA definition, I included not only the overall sitemap, but also an article taxonomy for the site’s resource library that defined all of the components of an article and the categories and topics discovered via the customer interviews and survey. This IA was provided to the content and development teams to provide a framework for their deliverables.

Salmonella 360 – Resource Library Taxonomy
Salmonella 360 – Resource Library Taxonomy

I created the wireframes as an interactive deliverable using Axure so that we could determine as a team how the menu should work and how the content could be created in flexible sections that could adjust as additional content decisions were made.

Wireframe – Interior Topic Page
Wireframe – Interior Topic Page

Wireframe – Resource Library Aggregate Page
Wireframe – Resource Library Aggregate Page

Definition Step 3After the IA and wireframes were approved by the client, I conducted a content-mapping session with the client to assist them with flushing out content needs going forward. We collaborated on the map and then I provided a summarized story outline and content inventory template for their team member gathering content for the site’s resource library.

Content Map
Content Map

Story Content Details
Story Content Details

Content Inventory Template
Content Inventory Template

Final Results

The site successfully launched in January 2018 as part of a larger roll-out promoting Elanco’s poultry business. Our digital design, creative, and media team members provided an interactive visual appearance for the site shown below.

Final Homepage
Final Homepage
Final Interior Page
Final Interior Page

The account supervisor passed along the following to the team after the site launched:

"[The client] is extremely happy with the work that we’ve done, and he’s already got global feedback from his colleagues that this sets a new bar for the existing salmonella360.com website."

Additional Work

Capabilities USED IN PROJECT
Project Details
Client Logo


For more information about Salmonella 360, visit https://www.salmonella360.us

Project Date:

January 19, 2018


The Sandbox Agency


Jonna Buse, Full Team

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